
青岛旅游英语对话 青岛旅游的英语作文

青岛旅游B 2024-05-18 2
青岛旅游英语对话 青岛旅游的英语作文摘要: 本文目录乘船游览英语情景对话有关旅游英语的对话精选在旅行社英语情景对话一、乘船游览英语情景对话如果想要出国旅游,那就有必要学习一些常用旅游英语口语。下面我为大家带来出国旅游必备英语...


  1. 乘船游览英语情景对话
  2. 有关旅游英语的对话精选
  3. 在旅行社英语情景对话



A:Excuse me. Does the fare include a meal?


A:How long does it take to the destination?

A:Does the ship call at the port of Qingdao?

B:Yes,it will stop at Qingdao for twenty minutes tomorrow morning.


A:Is there a daily passenger ship to Dalian?

A:How many days does it take to Dalian?

B:About one day. It arrives in Dalian at 10.00 a. m. tomorrow.


A:How many ports do we call at on our passage to Qingdao?


A:The ship is going very fast.

B:Perhaps she makes about 25 knots an hour.

A:The sea is calm and peaceful. A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.


B:Yes. I hope it will remain fine all the way.

A:Can this ship sail on time?

B:I'm afraid not. There'll be some delay because of the fog.


A:It's unpleasant to be out on a foggy day.

B:Yes. Are you going to travel by ship?

A:Hello, I want to make a reservation for a Qingdao cruise.


B:OK. There is one on Wednesday.

A:Good! How much does the sea view stateroom cost for per person?


A:I see. Does that include fees for shore excursions?


B:No.It doesn't. But it includes all other on board activities.


A:Thanks a lot. Give me one ticket,please.



2、 Kate: I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport.

3、 Zhang Hong: Really? I think it's interesting.

4、 Kate: What? Don't you think it's a waste of time?

5、 Zhang Hong: No. I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops.


7、菲利普: Summer holidays will begin next month. What are you going to do?


青岛旅游英语对话 青岛旅游的英语作文

9、乔恩: Dad will take me to our hometown. We`ll visit our grandparents there.

10、菲利普: Oh, they`ll be very happy to see you again!

11、乔恩: Sure. Where do you plan to go during the holiday, Philip?


13、菲利普: Maybe my parents will take Dick and me to a few cities in the East.


15、乔恩: That`ll be very interesting. What cities are you going to visit?

16、菲利普: Maybe Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi and Hangzhou.

17、乔恩: Oh, they`re all places of great interest in China. I think you`ll have a good time.


19、工作人员: We are waiting for an improvement in the weather conditions.

20、游客: You mean we have to wait until the fog lifts?

21、游客: There goes my appointment at 9 a.m..

22、工作人员: Good morning. Can I help you?

23、顾客: Morning. I'd like to create a travel itinerary.

24、工作人员: Where do you want to go?

25、顾客: I have no idea. But I hope to visit the seaside.

26、工作人员: Sure, how about Qingdao? Right now is the best time of the year to visit Qingdao.


28、顾客: I've been there before. I think a southern city is better.


30、工作人员: How about Sanya? Blue sea, soft sand and gentle breezes. It's really relaxing.


32、顾客: Sounds great. Do you have any brochures?

33、服务员: Wele to Olympic Hotel.

34、服务员: Have you made a reservation?

35、服务员: What kind of room do you prefer?

36、服务员: OK, may I have you ID card?




2、 A: Good morning. Can I help you?

3、 B: Morning. I'd like to create a travel itinerary.

4、 B: I have no idea. But I hope to visit the seaside.


6、 A: Sure, how about Qingdao? Right now is the best time of the year to visit Qingdao.


8、 B: I've been there before. I think a southern city is better.


10、 A: How about Sanya? Blue sea, soft sand and gentle breezes. It's really relaxing.


12、 B: Sounds great. Do you have any brochures?

13、 A:Good moming,May I help you?

14、 B:We'd like to take a tour to Florence.

15、 A:That's a beautiful city. When do you want to go there?


17、 B:We have got a 2 weeks'vocation and we plan to leave on Thursday.山东青岛旅游


19、 A:Then please have a look at the table. There are so many plans.


21、 A:Is there anything I can do for you, sir?

22、 B:I read in your travel brochure about your tours to Xi`an.


24、 A:Yea. We have two tours each week, leaving Monday and Thursday mornings.


26、 A:Two days. Total price is five hundred Yuan.

27、 B:Can you give me more detail on what`s included in the package?

28、 A:Sure. The coach leaves at 8:00 am, in front of our office. The drive takes about six hours, with two stops to see some sights.


30、 B:What about the hotel accommodations?

31、 A:You`ll be staying at Sunshine Hotel. It`s a three-star hotel.

32、 B:Sounds very good. Are all meals included in the price?


34、 A:Yes, all meals are included in the price I gave you.

35、 A: Hello, could you help me with vacation plans?

36、 B: Do you know where you will be traveling?

37、 A: I am open to suggestions at this point.

38、 B: Are you wanting to travel to a tropical climate, or would you like to go somewhere with a cooler climate?

39、 A: I would like to travel to a cooler destination.

40、 B: I can give you some brochures that could give you some ideas.

41、 A: I will look at them right now.

42、 B: How much money is in your budget for this trip?

43、 A: I think that I can spend about two hundred dollars a day.

44、 B: Take your time choosing a destination and, when you’ve narrowed it down, I’ll be happy to help you make a reservation.

45、 A: I was wondering if you would be able to help me with vacation plans.

46、 B: Have you chosen your destination?

47、 A: I don’t know where I want to go yet.

48、 B: Do you enjoy warm weather, or are you looking forward to a cooler vacation?

49、 A: A nice temperate climate would be best for me.

50、 B: Why don’t you take a look at these brochures that might help you make up your mind?

51、 B: Have you thought about what you would like to spend on this vacation?

52、 A: I just got a bonus and can spend about three thousand dollars total.

53、 B: I’ll be happy to help you make a reservation whenever you decide upon a destination.

54、对不起,麻烦你。——Excuse me.

55、抱歉。——Excuse the mess.

56、谢谢你的帮助。——Thank you for helping me.


58、初次见面问好。——How do you do!

59、很高兴见到你。——(It's) nice to meet you.

60、请问您从哪来。--Where are you from?

61、请问贵姓。--Can I have your name?青岛旅游攻略

62、我叫...。——My name is...(I'm...)

63、很高兴认识你。——It was a pleasure meeting you.

64、很高兴见到你。——Pleased to meet you.

65、希望再见到你。——Hope to see you again.

66、这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?——Does that mean that I can see you again?

67、祝你好运。——Good luck.

68、我希望没事。——I hope nothing is wrong.

69、怎么了?——What's the matter?

青岛旅游英语对话 青岛旅游的英语作文

70、糟糕,严重吗?——Oh, no! Is it serious?

71、我真为你难过。——I'm sorry for you.


作者:青岛旅游B本文地址:http://www.pdsd.cn/post/91762.html发布于 2024-05-18
