

青岛旅游A 2024-03-08 7
青岛翻译导游摘要: 本文目录介绍青岛的导游词(英语作文)青岛八大关英文导游词英文版导游词一、介绍青岛的导游词(英语作文)On weekend, the students are having a go...


  1. 介绍青岛的导游词(英语作文)
  2. 青岛八大关英文导游词
  3. 英文版导游词


On weekend, the students are having a good school trip. They are going to visit the seascape and going to have some activity. In the morning, the student are taking the bus go there. They are getting off the bus after. Many students are running for the sea and taking photos. They are many boys and girls wearing swim suit after go swimming on the sea. Then, thestudents are having a picnic and playing volleyball on the beach. They are very happy! Final, they are taking the bus back to school.【翻译】周末里,学生们将有一个愉快的学校郊游.他们打算去参观海景并举行一些活动..早上,学生们正在坐公共汽车到达海边.他们下车后,许多学生拿者照相机去海边照相.有许多男孩和女孩穿上泳衣后到大海里游泳.到了中午,学生们在海滩上举行了野餐,还有的在海滩上打排球.他们开心极了!最后,他们又乘公共汽车返回了学校.


1、导语:八大关(Eight Great Passes),位于汇泉东部,太平山南麓,始建于20世纪30年代,是中国著名的风景疗养区,面积70余公顷青岛到西安旅游。十条幽静清凉的大路纵横其间,主要大路因以我国八大著名关隘命名,故统称为八大关。以下是我整理青岛八大关英文导游词的资料,欢迎阅读参考。

2、"Badaguan scenic area located in the eastern part of huiquan", is China's famous landscape convalescence area, covers an area of 70 hectares, ten quiet cool highways criss-crossing the meantime, because of its main road named after the eight famous pass in China, therefore, collectively known as badaguan. Before liberation, here was the villa area of the bureaucratic capitalists. After the liberation, the people's government made a comprehensive restoration of the eighth milestone, making it one of the important sanatorium in our country. Many party and state leaders and important international friends had fallen down here.

3、 The"eight barrier" is characterized by the combination of parks and courtyards, with lush trees, blooming flowers, and different varieties of road trees. If shaoguan road is full of green peach, spring flowers, pink as bands; The road is full of ziwei, the summer is in full bloom; Juyongguan road is the pentagon. Autumn frost dyed maple red, add beauty; On both sides of the road are rows of cedar and evergreen; Ning wuguan road is haitang... From early spring to late autumn flowers bloom, known as"flower street". In recent years, a peach grove has been newly planted in the northeast corner of the 8th barrier, which has become another great place for people to visit in the spring. In the southwest corner, green cypress, the double green cypress is a"box", for many lovers, so it is also known as"love Angle".

4、 The"eight barrier" has a unique architectural style, which brings together a large number of architectural styles in various countries, which is known as the"architectural exposition of all nations". This is a collection of architectural styles in more than 20 countries, including Russia, Britain, France, Germany, the United States, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Switzerland and Japan. The west is the"east sea hotel" of the bright American architecture. Near the second seawater bath, it is the newly built huiquan small hall, which is built with the granite of Qingdao specialty, with elegant color and dignified appearance. Add a few small and clever small villas, make the eight milestone has the reputation of"universal building fair".

5、 Style diverse architecture make this the best choice of the film on location, such as"housework official","miao miao","life of 13" and so on more than 20 series more than 40 films and is taken in this, now many of the stars of the MTV on location choice here, too, such as Sally, lam"choice","reunion" is taken in badaguan on location.· shandong qufu guide word· Qingdao guide-word· shandong taishan guide word

6、 Badaguan is named after the eight pass road, namely the shaoguan road, the jiayuguan road, contain the valley road, is the sunlight road, near huai guan road, NingWu guan road, zijingguan, juyongguan road(now for ten road). The roads crisscrossed to form a scenic spot in a circle.







大家上午好,欢迎大家来到风光秀丽的江北水城-----。 Good morning, welcome you to beautiful Jiangbei Shuicheng-----。聊城。 Liaocheng.孔子曰:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? Confucius said: There are friends from afar?(对外省游客:山东民风纯厚,朴实无华,豪爽仗义的山东人热情欢迎各位嘉宾来此观光做客)首先做一下自我介绍…….今天能够担任大家的导游,我感到十分荣幸,希望我们共同度过一段轻松,愉快的时光。(External province visitors: Shandong customs are simple and honest, unpretentious, bold and generous attempts Shandong people are very warm welcome to guests to appear on this tour) first introduced himself to do something....... Today, tour guides can take you, I am very honored and I hope our common spend a relaxed, enjoyable time.

聊城古称东昌府,位于山东省西部,黄河下游。 The old name for Dongchangfu Liaocheng, Shandong Province is located in the west, the Yellow River lower reaches.总面积8715平方公里,人口566万。 A total area of 8715 square kilometers, population of 5.66 million.聊城处于京九铁路与济邯铁路,济聊馆高速公路的交汇点上,是呼南应北,承东接西的重要交通枢纽,交通十分便利。 Liaocheng in the Beijing-Kowloon Railway and Jinan Han Railway, Ji-chat Hall on the intersection of highways, is call the South should be the north, linking the east with the west important transport hub, the traffic is very convenient.从聊城一个小时可以到达济南国际机场,四小时到达青岛港,实现了一个小时上天,四个小时下海的战略目标。 Liaocheng an hour can be reached from the Jinan International Airport, four hours to reach port of Qingdao to realize heaven for an hour, four-hour sea's strategic objectives.

聊城市内镶嵌着江北最大的城市内湖――东昌湖。 Embedded within the Jiangbei Liaocheng city's largest lake- Lake Dongchang.它始建于宋熙宁三年,就是1070年,共有八大湖区,水面面积6.3平方公里,略小于杭州西湖,是我国江北地区最大的城市内湖。 It was built in Song Xining three years, that is, in 1070, a total of eight lake, surface area of 6.3 square kilometers, slightly smaller than West Lake in Hangzhou is China's largest cities Jiangbei lake.千顷湖水,晴如许,明如镜,景色秀丽,民间有“南有杭州西子秀,北有聊城胭脂美”的说法。 1000 ares lake, sunny, such as promise, bright as a mirror, beautiful scenery, people have"the south, Hangzhou West show, the north Liaocheng rouge beauty" argument.湖水环绕着1平方公里的古城,古城中央耸立着巍峨的光岳楼,京杭大运河像一条玉带侧城,湖而过,形成了“城中有湖,湖中有城,城、湖、河三位一体”的独特格局。 1 square kilometer lake, surrounded by ancient city, the ancient city stands a towering central light Yue House, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, like a jade belt side of the city, lake and had formed a"city within a lake, there are city, town, lake, river trinity" a unique pattern.

我们聊城是一座国家级历史文化名城,现有全国重点文物保护单位九处(山陕会馆,光岳楼,曹植墓,景阳岗,钞关,鳌头矶,清真寺,舍利塔) We Liaocheng is a state-level historical and cultural city, the existing national key cultural relics protection units 9(Shan Shan Hall, the light Yue House, Cao Zhi's tomb, Jingyang Gang, note off, Ngau Tau Angeles, mosques, stupas)

明清时期的京杭大运河为聊城带来了长达400多年的繁荣昌盛,曾被誉为“漕挽之咽喉,天都之肘腋,江北一都会”。 Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal for Liaocheng brought up to 400 years of prosperity, has been called"watercourse draft of the throat, every day of the Zhou Ye, Jiangbei a will."

建于明代的光岳楼,全为木质结构,“虽黄鹤,岳阳亦当拜望”。 Built in the Ming-generation optical Yue floor are all wooden structure,"although Huang, Yueyang sort should call on."建于清初的山陕会馆,雕梁画栋,富丽堂皇,是我国古代会馆建筑中不可多得的艺术杰作。 Jian Yuqing Shan mountains in the early Hall, magnificently decorated, magnificent, is rare in ancient China Center building works of art.

清代四大私人藏书楼之一的海源阁,“收藏之丰富,为海内之甲观”。 The Qing Dynasty, one of the four major private collection of the sea floor, the source Pavilion,"collection of the rich, for the inside and of a concept."

东昌三宝之一的宋代铁塔,古朴典雅,苍劲挺拔。 Sambo Song, one of the Fairmont Tower, simple and elegant, vigorous upright.

在市区周围,还分布着曹植墓,古阿井,迷魂阵,鳌头矶等一大批名胜古迹,阳谷的狮子楼,景阳岗早已成为水浒旅游线路上的重要景点。 Around in the urban areas, but also the distribution of the Tomb of Cao Zhi, the ancient Arab wells, scam, Ngau Tau Angeles and other large number of attractions, Yanggu of Shizi Lou, Jing Yanggang Water Margin has become a major attraction on the tourist routes.青岛旅游团

另外,大家熟知的文学名著《水浒传》、《金瓶梅》、《聊斋志异》、《老残游记》,都与古聊城有着不解的渊源。 In addition, the well-known literary classic"The Water Margin","Golden Lotus","Liao Zhai Zhi Yi","Travels of Lao Can," has puzzled Liaocheng with ancient origins.

聊城也是个人杰地灵的地方,是著名学者傅斯年,季羡林,国画大师李苦禅,民族英雄范筑先、张自忠,和领导干部的楷模孔繁森同志的故乡。 Liaocheng is also a place where outstanding people are well-known scholar Fu, Ji Xianlin, Chinese painting master Li Yan, built the first national hero, Fan, Zhang Zhizhong, a role model and leading cadres of Comrade Kong Fansen hometown.

近年来,聊城的旅游业发展很快,同时也带动了很多相关产业的发展。 In recent years, Liaocheng's tourism industry developed rapidly, but also pushed a lot of related industries.市旅游局还推出了一些比较经典的线路:如工业旅游,红色旅游,生态健身游等。 City Tourism Bureau has also introduced some of the more classic lines: such as industrial tourism, red tourism, eco-fitness tours.其中工业旅游的线路想必也是大家都非常熟悉的:这就是中通客车有限公司――高唐时风农用车集团――东阿阿胶集团――阳谷凤祥集团。 Line of industrial tourism must have also all too familiar: this is the Link Bus Co., Ltd.- Gaotang when the wind farm vehicle group- Dong-E E-Jiao Group- Yanggu Fengxiang Group.前三个都是上市公司。 The first three are listed companies.纺织,医药,机械,造纸,电力,化工,等都是聊城的支柱产业。 Textiles, pharmaceuticals, machinery, paper making, electric power, chemicals, etc. are all Liaocheng's pillar industries.东阿阿胶的出口量占全国的90%以上,时风农用车在产量,效益,利税等方面居全国同行业之首。 A donkey-hide gelatin East exports accounted for more than 90% of the country, when the wind farm vehicles in the production, efficiency, profits and taxes, etc. ranking first in the same industry.我市的化肥,客车,拖拉机,造纸等产品在国内亦占有重要地位。 City of chemical fertilizers, buses, tractors, paper and other products are also occupies an important position in the country.

农产品加工企业发展迅速,肉牛,肉鸡,食用菌等农副产品销往五大洲四十多个国家。 The rapid development of agricultural product processing enterprises, beef, chicken, mushroom and other agricultural products are sold to more than 40 countries on five continents.


说起旅游啊,我们都知道它由六个方面组成“吃住行游购娱”,在这些里面呢,“吃”是大家都非常在意的一项。 Speaking of tourism ah, we all know it by the six formed a"meals, lodging, travel purchase entertainment" in these inside it,"eat" is the one we are very concerned about.既要讲究营养,卫生,又要吃到当地特色。 We should pay attention to nutrition, health, and also eat the local characteristics.下面我就给大家介绍一下我们聊城的特色小吃:(均要做详细说明) Here I will give you about the characteristics of what we Liaocheng snack:(all to be done details)

(1)圆铃大枣,滋补健身(2)魏氏熏鸡(3)呱嗒(4)高唐驴肉(5)冠县鸭梨(1) The round bell jujube, nourishing Fitness(2) Clostridium Smoked Chicken(3) clack(4) Gaotang Donkey(5) Guanxian Pear



作者:青岛旅游A本文地址:http://www.pdsd.cn/post/12488.html发布于 2024-03-08
